D.I.Y panel for children bedroom. January: the penguins
Each month a different children's room decoration. Economic, not expensive handmade decoration. Easy to do with your kids. Decoration associated with a tale read by Fairy Elle, the fairy kid. January. It's cold! Why not to be inspired by penguins? penguins in a Pole landscape and penguins in the children story. Other handmade decorations?
- 1 white foam rubber (Knorr Prandell - 2mm thick) sheet or white board
- 3D glitter white glue pen
- Scissors
- Decoupage glue
- Little brush
- Patafix
- 2 frame hanger adhesive
- Thin nylon thread
- Not too thin wire
Make inexpensive, easy-to-do, creative decorations with your kids
Decoration for children with penguin images
- Start by gluing the two frame hanger adhesive at the two corners of the upper side in the gray Bristol board.
- Reinforce the upper side by gluing a strip of any card. In this way, your panel will remain tense when you hang it.
- Cut out the white card as you see in the picture and paste it on the bottom of the gray card.
- Prepare the snowflakes.
- cut out accurately the penguin images
- moisten the back of every image with a sponge, soaked and well squeezed
- place the image on the snowflake center
- brush the glue with delicacy
- Let all dry very well.
- Prepare the images to be glued on the foam rubber or white board if you prefer.
- in this case, cut roughly the area in which they are included
- spread a thin layer of glue on the foam rubber and then place your images
- avoid the formation of any fold
- let all dry perfectly and then cut out the outline of your figures carefully
- Fix every image to white Bristol board with patafix pieces.
- To hang your panel.
- tie the nylon thread to one of your frame hanger adhesive
- unroll the nylon thread, let it pass over the door and then reach the handle of the other side, go back over the door and tieit to the second hook
- Now let's hang the snowflakes.
- cut the wire into 4 little pieces
- give them a U-shape and introduce each of one into the top of a snowflake, leaving a small loop that sticks out
- knot the nylon thread inside the little loop that you've formed in the previous step and then pass the thread over the door
- secure it on the opposite side of the door with a piece of patafix or knot it directly to the handle
- the same step for every snowflake
- Your penguin-decorated panel is ready!.
what about it? do you like it?
Make it with your children!