Spring door decoration
Door decorating idea for spring, ceremonies or wedding party
What about this door decoration? I always liked to decorate my door. It 's a sign that distinguishes my house from all others. Each season I like to create something new. The branch of roses that you see was created by chance. The roses had the stem too long ... Making this branch was quick, work simple but effective. It also seems to mee ideal if you have to celebrate communion, confirmation, marriage party at home.

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You will need
- - Branches of long-stemmed roses of different pastel colors. The number depends on the size of your door. In my case 5
- - Other shorter-stemmed roses with colors in harmony with the others. In my case 7
- - A ball of green mohair wool
- - A bucket
- - 2 pieces of floral foam
- - Synthetic musk
- - Little birds and butterflies
- - Little silk flowers with their stem
- - Scissors
- - Cutters
- - Nylon thread
- - Tacks
Spring handmade door decoration for Communion, Confirmaton, Wedding party if celebrated at home
Look at the video for more details

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- - Clear the largest table you have.
- - Arrange the branches of roses on the table mixing the colors and overlapping the longest stems for at least 10cm (4in).
Combine long-stemmed roses with short-stemmed ones.
The set should give the idea of a single branch with lateral sprigs as you can see in the photo. - - Leave a long piece of the first stem free to insert it later in the sponge.
- - Roll up the woolen thread very tightly embracing the various stems of roses.
This step has two purposes: to hide the plastic stem and give some support.
Try to never break the wire. Possibly go back.
For more details see photos and video - - Once made this step insert a piece of floral foam in the bucket.
Eventually use the second piece too.
Eventually help yourself with some paper for fixing better the sponge in the bucket. - - Insert your branch of roses in the foam up the bottom of the bucket.
Place the branch of roses to the wall completing this step. - - Fix the branch of roses to the wall with little tacks and nylon thread.
- - Cover the floral foam with synthetic musk.
- - Decorate with little birds and butterflies.
For more details look well at photos and video. - - You can insert little silk flowers into the musk if liked.
- - Add a nest with eggs for an Easter or spring decoration if liked.

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Author: Loretta Sebastiani
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