Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Kamut pizza recipe
( Pizza di kamut: impasto )

Our original home cooking

Pizza made with kamut flour is very good and has many advantages over pizza with all-purpose flour. To begin ... it has a medium glycemic index and more fiber if you use the full version. If sourdough starter instead of fresh yeast is used, benefits increase more. But between Kamut and Emmer the second is undoubtedly preferable according to me. Check calories, sugar and fat in Emmer dough for pizza. Link below.

difficulty: medium

time: 40 minutes

calories: 539 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 250g (8 3/4 ounces) wholemeal kamut
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 10g (1/3 ounce) kamut sourdough, dried
  • 150ml (5 fluid ounces - 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons) warm water
  • Salt
  • All-purpose flour
medium difficulty
preparation: 20 minutes
plus leavening time
cooking time: 20 minutes
total time: 40 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 539 (kcal) 27 % - 2254 (kJ)
Protein: 21.6 (g) 44 % GDA
Total fat: 13.3 (g) 20 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 83.4 (g) 31 % GDA
Sugars: 2.6 (g) 3 % GDA

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Recipe for homemade pizza dough with kamut flour


  • - Prepare all ingredients.
    Weigh kamut flour and kamut sourdough starter.
    Mix the two ingredients on the work surface and make a well inside.
    Add olive oil and salt into the well.
    Measure warm water.
  • - Kneading.
    Pour a little warm water in the center of the well.
    Begin collecting flour from the edge of the well and mix it to water and oil.
    Pour in other warm water and add other flour from the edge, little at a time.
    Continue in this way until you've used about 3/4 of water.
    At this point you should use all flour and begin kneading.
    You can add other warm water if necessary.
    Knead your dough for a long time until soft.
  • - The last step.
    Shape your dough into a ball.
    Sprinkle your work surface and pizza dough with all-purpose flour.
    Cover with a napkin and let it rise until it doubles in size, at least 2 hours.
    Choose a warm place, faraway from draughts.



  • - The amount of water is not precise. Each flour absorbs an amount of water that can vary according to many factors, humidity and room temperature included.
  • - Water temperature is another very important factor. Water should not be too hot. Then test it with your fingers. It must be just a little warmer.
  • - Another important factor is the temperature for rising. The best results are obtained at temperatures greater than or equal to 24°C (75.2°F). If it is not possible, you need more time to complete rising. You can also perform a first rising and then, after putting your dough in the pans, let it rise a second time.
    Sprinkle always your dough with all-purpose flour. Experience has taught me that it is the best solution.
  • - These doses are sufficient for two pizzas whose diameter is 30 to 32 cm (12 to 13 inches), not thick.
  • - Choose your favorite topping for this kamut dough.
  • - Cooking times don't change.

Useful links for this recipe

  • - As promised, here is the link to my recipe for emmer pizza. Have a look at its nutrition facts!
  • - Interested in kamut brand? follow the link.
  • - Here is the link to Antico Molino Rosso where my husband and I have the habit to buy kamut flour.

Healthy eating

  • - Kamut is a registered trademark. Licence holders claim that it is an ancient grain, rich in protein and minerals such as selenium, zinc and magnesium. You know very well the high antioxidant quality of selenium.
    Another interesting feature is its not high glycemic index when compared with all-purpose flour.
    It is organic too, perfect for a healthy diet.
  • - The richness in protein makes kamut grain a special food for those who need a high energy intake.
  • - Be careful, when you are to buy kamut flour, to its fiber content that, in my experience, is highly variable and that, in the end, makes the real difference. In fact the higher the fiber content is the higher its health benefits are.
  • - Be sure to buy stone-ground kamut flour. It's healthier because stone-grinding preserves a lot of nutrients and lowers the glycemic peak as it acts on the size of the starch granules.
    I generally use Antico Molino Rosso products, dried sourdough included.
  • - Fiber per serving: 5 grams
  • - If you have not the habit to use whole flour proceed step-by-step. Begin with organic kamut flour and only at a later time use whole flour.