Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Asparagus and salmon pizza
( Pizza salmone asparagi)

Our original home cooking

Pizza with asparagus and salmon is truly superb for smoked salmon lovers. It's very simple to do except for pizza dough but you could buy ready-to-bake pizza dough. For this recipe I generally prefer wholemeal emmer flour mixed with 20% of all-purpose flour. A minimum quantity to allow leavening. I get a soft and tasty pizza dough and, above all, rich in fiber. Of course you can make this pizza with your favorite flour.

difficulty: medium

time: 1 hour

calories: 949 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 2 servings pizza dough
  • 100g (3 1/2 ounce) smoked salmon in slices
  • 300g (10 1/2 ounces) fresh asparagus
  • 125g (4.4 ounces) mozzarella cheese
  • 300g (10 1/2 ounces) pureed tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons dried chives
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
medium difficulty
preparation: 30 minutes
plus leavening time
cooking: 30 minutes
total: 1 hour
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 949 (kcal) 48 % - 3970 (kJ)
Protein: 49.4 (g) 99 % GDA
Total fat: 43.4 (g) 62 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 92.0 (g) 35 % GDA
Sugars: 10.1 (g) 12 % GDA

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Salmon-and-asparagus pizza recipe

Preparation and cooking

  • - Prepare pizza dough.
    Choose the recipe you prefer having a look at our pizza directory. You can make pizza with all-purpose flour and dried active baking yeast or fresh yeast. If you follow a healthy diet you should prefare wholemeal flour (emmer flour is the best according to me) and sourdough. Another oppotunnity is kamut flour, richer in protein.
    But you can follow your favorite recipe too.
    Put pizza dough, covered with a towel, in a warm place, sheltered from drafts until it doubles in volume at least.
  • - Clean and blanch asparagus.
    Eliminate their tough end.
    Wash asparagus under running water, thoroughly.
    Steam (preferably) or boil, but keep them crispy according to your taste.
    Salt them lightly just finished cooking.
    In any case, put them in a colander and let them drain and dry.
  • - When your pizza dough is well leavened ...
    Preheat oven to 200°C (400°F).
    Grease two baking pans with 1 teaspoon olive oil and sprinkle them with flour.
    Roll out your pizza dough into two portions on a lightly floured surface and transfer them in the pans.
    You can do this step directly in every baking pan helping yourselves with your hands.
    Put pureed tomatoes, chives and remaining olive oil in a little bowl. Season to taste with salt and stir well.
    Spoon tomato sauce on the top of your pizzas.
    Bake for about 10 to 15 minutes. It is difficult to say exactly nececssary time, it depends on the thickness of your pizza dough and your oven.
  • - Meantime ...
    Cut salmon slices into strips.
    Grate mozzarella cheese.
  • - The last step.
    Remove baking pans from oven.
    Distribute asparagus and mozzarella on pizzas.
    Bake again until mozzarella is well melted.

Just before serving

  • - Remove baking pans from oven and place salmon strips on pizza top before transferring them on serving plates.
  • - Serve immediately.



  • - This pizza is good even when heated but I guess, if you are pizza lovers, it is very difficult you may have any leftovers :))
  • - Cooking time in my oven is 20 minutes but my pizza is thin!

Menu planning

  • - Asparagus and salmon pizza is one-plate meal, obviously.
    You can accompany it with a seasonal green salad if you want to add other fiber for your daily intake but this is useless if you prepare wholemeal pizza.

Healthy eating

  • - Pizza with salmon and asparagus is a high-calorie and high-fat recipe. If you want, you can reduce doses of some ingredients. For example it may be enough 50 grams (1 3/4 ounce) of salmon instead of 100 grams (3 1/2 ounces). Besides, you can roll out your dough on parchment paper instead of greasing pans with a teaspoon olive oil. All that decreases calories to 862, protein to 43 grams and fat to 36.7 grams per serving. Carbohydrates remain unchanged.
    In any case it is obvious that you have to balance your daily nutritional requirements by choosing the other meals of the day appropriately. For example, a good soup for dinner (or lunch) or at least a vegetarian dish poor in condiments.
  • - Fiber per serving: 12,4 grams. Fibers are high for the presence of whole emmer flour in my pizza dough, tomato sauce and asparagus. As I've just written above, I make pizza dough with whole emmer flour for this recipe.


What's the right wine for " Asparagus and salmon pizza "?

Pair a good beer, the best choice.