Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Bell pepper risotto
( Risotto ai peperoni)

Our original home cooking

If you boil a rabbit, do not throw away its broth! I often do my risotto recipes with it. Typically vegetable risotto to flavor it a little more. Much better than using broth cube, listen to me :)) Especially if you have kids, prefer a diet as natural as possible and then do not buy broth cubes. This risotto is flavored with bell peppers. So it is a summer and early fall recipe, a real Mediterranean diet recipe too!

difficulty: medium

time: 40 minutes

calories: 342 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 4

  • 320g (11 1/3 ounces) long-grain, parboiled rice
  • 50g (1 3/4 ounces) onion, chopped
  • 1 250g (8 3/4 ounces) raw yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 1 250g (8 3/4 ounces) raw red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 glass red wine
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1.2 liters (2.5 pints - 5 cups) rabbit broth
  • Salt
medium difficulty
preparation: 20 minutes
cooking: 20 minutes
plus rabbit broth making
total: 40 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 342 (kcal) 18 % - 1429 (kJ)
Protein: 7.0 (g) 14 % GDA
Total fat: 5.6 (g) 8 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 70.3 (g) 27 % GDA
Sugars: 5.5 (g) 7 % GDA

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Bell pepper risotto recipe

Preparation and cooking

  • - Link to rabbit broth below!
  • - Filter your rabbit broth and bring to a boil.
  • - Meanwhile ... put olive oil in a pan together with onion and bell peppers.
    Let all the ingredients fry slightly, on low heat, stirring now and then.
    Add rice.
    Let it flavor until milky, stirring, about a minute.
    Then stir in wine.
    When the wine is well evaporated, begin adding rabbit broth: a couple of ladlefuls.
    Stir frequently and continue adding boiling broth, a ladleful at a time, until your addition has been absorbed.
    This will take 18-20 minutes or the time necessary according to the instructions for cooking the rice you have.
    Remember to keep rabbit broth very hot or boiling.
    When rice is tender and its cooking juice is well reduced, your dish is ready.
    Season to taste with salt, if necessary.

Just before serving

  • - Let your bell pepper risotto rest, few minutes.
    Now it is ready to serve.



  • - You'll get a very tasty yellow risotto. In fact rabbit broth has powdered saffron among its ingredients.
  • - You can prepare this dish in advance and warm it up just before serving but be careful to use a good-quality rice that must not overcook easily.
  • - You can add grated Parmesan too or another cheese you love, once turned off the stove. But remember that calories increase.

Menu planning

  • - Prepare this bell pepper risotto for your family lunch in summer or early autumn. Bell peppers are in season from July to October. Complete your meal with fresh vegetables and fruit in season. Vegetables may be eaten raw or cooked and seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil per head.

Useful links for this recipe

Healthy eating

  • - Bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C, but cooking can reduce its presence by 60%. It would be much better to consume them raw. Then keep this in mind planning your daily menu.
    Used in this quantity (about 100 grams - 3 1/2 ounces per head), it is not high the contribution to the fiber per day per head (30 grams).
    In fact, fibers are only 2.6 grams per serving. This means that not only the presence of vegetables can lead us to the goal of a healthy diet. It's important their balanced amount in the meals of the day.
  • - Now let's see what happens if you add any cheese to your risotto. In the Mediterranean diet two or three servings of dairy products per day can be planned.
    Each tablespoon of Parmesan cheese (about 15 grams - 1/2 ounce) have 58 calories, 5 grams of protein and 4.2 grams of fat. So your risotto dish will have this new nutritional intake per serving:
    Energy: 400 kcal
    Protein: 12 grams
    Fat: 9.8 grams
    no change for carbohydrates, sugars and fibers
    Which means only to decrease your choices for vegetables and fruits as I have just suggested before.


What's the right wine for " Bell pepper risotto "?

Pair a slightly tannic red wine to this bell pepper risotto.