Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Peach-and-melon salad
( Macedonia di pesche e melone )

Our original home cooking

Peach-and-melon salad. A delicious dessert that we often make at home many times in summer. The combination is really great as long as peach and melon fruit is ripe and fragrant. Are you looking for other ideas of Italian cakes and dessert recipe ideas?

difficulty: easy

time: 30 minutes

calories: 180 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 8

  • 1kg (2.2 pounds) firm but ripe peaches
  • 1 1.5kg ( 3.3 pounds) ripe melon
  • 250 g (8 3/4 ounces) sugar
  • 3 lemon juice
easy recipe
preparation: 30 minutes
cooking: no cooking required
total: 30 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 180 (kcal) 9 % - 753 (kJ)
Protein: 1.5 (g) 3 % GDA
Total fat: 0.2 (g) 1 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 44.2 (g) 17 % GDA
Sugars: 44.2 (g) 50 % GDA

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Peach-and-melon salad recipe


  • - Peel and cube all the fruits.
  • - Add the sugar and lemon juice and stir.

Just before serving

  • - Chill the melon-and-peach fruit salad for at least 2 hours before serving.



  • - The doses of sugar and lemon juice in peach-and-melon salad are indicative; you have to dose them according to the chosen fruits and to your taste.
    So you have to add them gradually.
  • - Add a pinch of cinnamon too. it tastes fantastic!

Menu planning

  • - This peach-and-melon salad is a delicious dessert that can close a summer menu especially with fish, or a BBQ or any cold dinner.
  • - The peach-and-melon fruit salad can be prepared even for a buffet or a special picnic to celebrate a kid birthday or a special occasion.

Healthy eating

  • - This dessert made with peaches and melon is delicious. There are very few people who say no to a dessert after lunch or dinner, especially when people are out. But keep in mind that many sweets are the opposite of healthy eating.
    So how do you? As usual, the equilibrium point is the salvation of each one of us.
    In the daily menu, as guidelines for healthy eating recommend us, we have to prefer dry and baked cakes paying attention to the amount of sugar.
    But if there is a special event (birthday party at home, ceremony, dinner with friends ...) let's enjoy our special cake. Once in a while, especially if you do exercise, the body can metabolize the calories, fats and sugars in excess.
  • - This peach-and-melon salad is rich in sugar, because it is made ​​according to the old traditions when people could eat more because they moved more. So what's the solution? definitely decreasing the dose of sugar or substituting the sugar with a sweetener. I am for the first solution. Getting used to a less sweet taste is really good for everyone, especially children.