Loretta Sebastiani

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Salmon-shrimp-asparagus spaghetti
( Pasta con salmone gamberetti e asparagi )

Our original home cooking

Salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti is a very good first course you can serve in your daily menu and for a special occasion too. It's a spring recipe, ideal for: Communion or Confirmation celebrated at home if your child like fish, a birthday menu, a get-together with your friends that share with you the love for seafood. Match a good-quality white wine such as those of Lombardy and Sicily, which I suggest to you below.

difficulty: easy

time: 1 hour

calories: 485 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 3

  • 250g (8 3/4 ounces) fresh salmon
  • 125g (4.4 ounces) precooked shrimps
  • 250g (8 ounces) fresh asparagus
  • 1 400g (14 ounces) can cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon dried chives
  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • Half a glass of white wine
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 210g (7.4 ounce) spaghetti
  • Salt
easy recipe
preparation: 30 minutes
cooking: 30 minutes
total: 1 hour
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 485 (kcal) 25 % - 2028 (kJ)
Protein: 27.4 (g) 55 % GDA
Total fat: 14.9 (g) 22 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 64.3 (g) 24 % GDA
Sugars: 11.8 (g) 14 % GDA

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Salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti recipe

Preparation and cooking

  • - Cut the end of your asparagus because generally too hard.
  • - Wash asparagus under running water accurately.
  • - Steam them for about 15 minutes.
    Be careful they don’t become too soft.
  • - Shell shrimps.
  • - Remove every skin from salmon and dice it.
  • - Put olive oil, salmon and bay leaf in a wok.
  • - Brown diced salmon, stirring frequently, few minutes.
  • - Remove salmon with a skimming ladle and put apart.
  • - Add cherry tomatoes in the same pan without their preserving liquid.
  • - Let them flavor, stirring frequently, few minutes.
  • - At this point add wine and let it evaporate partially.
  • - Add salmon again.
  • - Season to taste with salt.
  • - Continue cooking on high heat, stirring often, few minutes.
  • - Your sauce must be not too reduced.
    Eventually add some tablespoons of the water in which you're cooking pasta.
  • - Meanwhile slice asparagus, their tips excluded.
    Put apart asparagus tips but add other asparagus pieces to youur sauce together with aromatic herbs, a minute before turning off the stove.
  • - Meanwhile cook spaghetti according to the package directions.

Just before serving

  • - Drain pasta very well and add to the pan with the sauce together with shrimps and asparagus tips.
  • - Stir and let all the ingredients amalgamate over a fierce heat, stirring continuously, one minute.
  • - Your salmon-shrimp-asparagus spaghetti is ready.
  • - Serve at once.



  • - You can use frozen or fresh shrimps.
    If frozen, thaw them in advance.
  • - Carlo and I also use short pasta or linguine for this recipe.
  • - This recipe is also great with whole wheat, kamut or emmer pasta.
  • - This is a special dish in spring when asparagus are in season.
  • - This dish tastes fantastic with fresh chives.

Menu planning

  • - Choose salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti for your Sunday lunch when you have more time to cook or for a special occasion in spring. In the second case, that is in a full menu, the same doses are enough for more people.
  • - This salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti dish is perfect for a seafood menu but we think it may be prepared when you want to serve meat and fish in the same meal. We remember you a typical Italian menu for a special occasion is composed by: antipasto, first course, second course and dessert. Now our suggestion with this pasta dish is: an assorted canapé platter (made with paté, caviar eggs and butter, butter and smoked tuna), our spaghetti dish, vitello tonnato (cold braised veal in tuna sauce) accompanied by a seasonal salad and, finally, a fruit tart.

Useful links for this recipe

Healthy eating

  • - Salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti is a dish well structured, rich in ingredients you can choose for your lunch too as one-plate meal.
    As you can see I decreased the amount of pasta to 70g (2 1/2 ounces) per head when the normal portion should be 80g (2.8 ounces) not to exceed 500 calories per serving. This involves about 36 kCal less.
    Complete your meal with fresh fruit. If necessary, add fresh seasonal vegetables to munch on if you're hungry.
    Here are the doses per head if you have to change your servings: 70g (2 1/2 ounces) spaghetti, 80g (2.8 ounces) fresh salmon, 80g (2.8 ounces) fresh asparagus, 40g (1 1/2 ounce) frozen or fresh prawns, 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, a dash of wine and aromatic herbs according to your own taste.


What's the right wine for " Salmon-shrimp-asparagus spaghetti "?

Match a white wine to salmon-shrimp-and-asparagus spaghetti.My husband and I like Regaleali Bianco (white wine from Sicily - Italy) but we think Pinot Nero Oltrepò Pavese (white wine of Lombardy) can be perfect too.
Someone likes red wine too much to give it up even if he has to eat fish. Pairing fish with red wine is possible provided that in this case the red wine is young, not tannic and with low alcohol content.