Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Raw prawns dressed with olive oil and lemon juice
( Gamberi crudi olio e limone)

Traditional Italian recipe

I confess that I had never eaten raw prawns. For my husband and me who live in the North of Italy, in Piedmont, it is almost impossible. We have only had the opportunity at the sea, in Salento. In a fish market of the village where we are spending our holidays (summer 2013) we have found the prawns in the picture, caught at night in the Ionian Sea. Shelled and dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, they have been part of our lunch today, a true goodness!

difficulty: easy

time: 15 minutes

calories: 109 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 400g (14 ounces) raw prawns, whole
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • A quarter organic lemon
  • Salt
easy recipe
preparation: 15 minutes
cooking: no required
total: 15 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 109 (kcal) 6 % - 456 (kJ)
Protein: 12.2 (g) 25 % GDA
Total fat: 5.5 (g) 8 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 2.6 (g) 1 % GDA
Sugars: 2.6 (g) 3 % GDA

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Raw prawns dressed
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Raw prawns dressed

Recipe for no-cooked prawns seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice


  • - Remove heads and shells from prawns.
    Now you have to de-vein every prawn.
    Begin looking for its black or red vein according to the variety you've bought.
    I hold the prawn so as its back is facing me. I generally find it, once beheaded my prawn, emerging fom the tail. On the contrary I make a little cut, not too deep, with a sharp knife on the top. And then I take the end of the dark vein and pull gently. In most cases the operation is successful, if the prawn is very fresh.
  • - Arrange your prawns inside a little bowl.
  • - Season with olive oil, lemon juice and salt.
  • - Stir with delicacy.

Just before serving

  • - Serve at once, on the contrary lemon juice might "cook" prawns.



  • - Make sure your prawns are just caught. On the contrary it is better to boil them for a minute.
  • - It is not the case of having leftovers for the same reason explained before.
  • - I used 2 teaspoons of olive oil because I wanted full flavor of my prawns won on the other ingredients. You can toss depending on your taste.

Menu planning

  • - In my lunch I've joined other bite-sized appetizers made with fish and shellfish. The meal I prefer but which is not so healthy since it is not possible to control the right portion in this way.
  • - I suggest these raw prawns for a starter in a BBQ party too.
  • - It is a no-cooked dish, ideal in summer!

Useful links for this recipe

Healthy eating

  • - Do not be fooled by the low values ​​you read in nutrition facts. It is true that calories and fat seem very limited, but it is equally true that the portion is quite small and you still have to deal with cholesterol. 100 grams of fresh prawns, cleaned and ready to eat, contain 150mg of cholesterol and the recommended maximum value is 300mg per day. This dish contains just 150mg of cholesterol per serving. So watch out! especially for those of you suffering from hypercholesterolemia..
  • - Note also that I use a little olive oil but for every 2 teaspoons of olive oil more than the recommended dose, you need to increase calories of 90 and fat of 10 grams for both portions.
  • - Raw prawns tossed with lemon juice and olive oil are fiber-free, obviously.


What's the right wine for " Raw prawns dressed with olive oil and lemon juice "?

My husband and I paired a bottle of prosecco. Bubbles are perfect with raw prawns but if you prefer a white wine you could choose Collio Riesling.