Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Stewed aubergines
( Melanzane in pizzaiola )

Our original home cooking

This recipe is great for a quick side dish with eggplant if you want to flavor it with tomatoes too. It does not require a long cooking and is very tasty. Generally, I use elongated purple eggplants because they have less seeds. Recipe for Mediterranean diet!

difficulty: easy

time: 45 minutes

calories: 100 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 2

  • 4 medium size elongated purple eggplants (aubergines), peeled and cubed
  • 300g (10 1/2 ounces) "passata" (pureed tomatoes)
  • 1 fresh chilli
  • 1 tablespoon fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chives, chopped
  • Some fresh basil leaves
  • 100ml (3 1/3 fluid ounces) dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
easy recipe
preparation: 15 minutes
plus time to remove bitterness from eggplants
cooking: about 30 minutes
total time: 45 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 100 (kcal) 5 % - 418 (kJ)
Protein: 3.5 (g) 7 % GDA
Total fat: 6.1 (g) 9 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 8.2 (g) 4 % GDA
Sugars: 8.2 (g) 10 % GDA

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Stewed eggplant recipe

Preparation and cooking

  • - Put eggplant cubes, chilli and pureed tomatoes in a large non stick frying pan.
  • - Cook over a very low flame, half-covered, stirring occasionally.
    Add some warm water, only if necessary. But if you keep your heat very low, it would not be necessary and your dish will be better!
  • - Continue cooking until eggplants are just tender, but still crisp and crunchy and your mixture thickens.
  • - In the last minutes add wine too, increase heat and let it evaporate, stirring now and then.
  • - Turn off the stove, add aromatic herbs and stir.

Just before serving

  • - Serve your stewed eggplant dish hot.



  • - You can follow another cooking method, that is to fry slighlty eggplants in olive oil, few minutes, and add pureed tomatoes and chilli only after. The other steps are the same. But I have often to add more olive oil with an icrease of calories.
  • - With the same ingredients you can prepare a pasta sauce.
    In this case I cut eggplants in smaller pieces and cook them for a longer time (35 to 40 minutes) because I prefer a softer texture as pasta sauce.
    You can dress at least 500g (2.2 pounds) pasta.
  • - I often add a little onion too, to intensify eggplant flavor. Add one or more garlic cloves, if liked!

Menu planning

  • - Vegetarian ahead recipe for summer months when eggplants are in season.
  • - This side dish accompanies meat or fish recipes.
    I like it for egg recipes and cheese too.

Healthy eating

  • - I guess you've already noticed that this side dish made with eggplants has very low calories and fats. In addition, the portion is generous (1 eggplant per person). It can also be increased without any problem to decrease the portion of meat or fish. This is especially true to satisfy your hunger! And then do not forget that the wonderful Mediterranean diet recommends increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and a lower intake of protein ;))
  • - Look also at its fiber per serving: 7.1 grams (recommended daily intake is 30 grams)
