A branch with magnolias for Xmas
You'll need only a synthetic branch, some silk magnolia flowers and colored flakes
This is and ideal decoration for a long and narrow surface as you can see in the photo. Besides it's very easy and quick to do. Even with the help of your children.

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DIY Christmas Decoration for Fireplace, shop windows, interior window sills, alcoves ...
- - Cut off the stems of magnolia flowers using the snips and put apart their leaves too.
- - Spray them with glue and then sprinkle their leaves with green flakes and flowers with iridescent ones and artificial snow.
- - At this point glue magnolia flowers and their leaves on your branches with the hot-glue gun.
Look at the enlarged images for more details. - - Let all dry very well and then arrange the ribbon around branches and flowers.
- - Your decoration is ready!
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Author: Loretta Sebastiani
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