Loretta Sebastiani

Loretta Sebastiani
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Tomatoes filled with pineapple & walnuts
( Pomodori ripieni di frutta )

Our original home cooking

Tomatoes filled with fruit are a tasty, easy to make, cool dish. They require no cooking and so are ideal on hot days, in summer. I prepared them a day when I had a few slices of pineapple and tomatoes left in the fridge and no desire to cook and turn on the stove. I must confess that I did not think the result would have been so good. Since then I have often thought of them when I plan a buffet menu or want something quick for dinner

difficulty: easy

time: 30 minutes

calories: 135 (kCal)

Ingredients / Serves 12

  • 12 ripe but firm, medium size tomatoes
  • 1 1kg (2.2 pounds) pineapple
  • 100g (3 1/2 ounces) shelled walnuts, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Mayonnaise, if you like
easy recipe
preparation: about 30 minutes
cooking: no required
total: 30 minutes
How many calories in a serving?
Calories: 135 (kcal) 7 % - 564 (kJ)
Protein: 2.9 (g) 6 % GDA
Total fat: 9.3 (g) 14 % GDA
Total carbohydrate: 10.4 (g) 4 % GDA
Sugars: 10.3 (g) 12 % GDA

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Fruit-stuffed tomato recipe


  • - Prepare tomatoes.
    Wash accurately your tomatoes and pat dry with absorbent kitchen paper.
    Cut them crossways and, using a spoon, scoop out their seeds and flesh.
    Sprinkle with salt and turn them out on a dish in order to let them drip very well (for about 30 minutes).
  • - Meanwhile ...
    ... clean pineapple and dice.
    Mix pineapple with walnuts.
    Season to taste with salt and add olive oil too.
    Stir very well.
  • - Assemble your dish.
    At the end fill tomatoes with your fruit mixture.

Just before serving

  • - Chill at least 30 minutes before serving.



  • - Who likes mayonnaise sauce can also add it to the other ingredients.
    Dress pineapple-and-walnut mixture with it before stuffing your tomatoes or cover already-filled tomatoes.
  • - Here are the doses per tomato if you have to prepare them for a lot of people: 2 to 3 walnusts, less then a pineapple slice, 1/2 teaspoon olive oil.
  • - Obviously these doses can be modified according to your own taste but they can be subject to change for tomato size too.
  • - I recommend you to choose ripe but firm tomatoes.

Menu planning

  • - You can serve this dish as an appetizer, a side dish to accompany grilled fish or meat, a course in a buffet party.
  • - I want to remember you that, as I've written in my introduction I prepare these tomatoes stuffed with fruit for my dinner too, in summer. I serve them to accompany meat loaf, roast beef and cold cuts.

Healthy eating

  • - This dish is a perfect example of a great recipe for the warm months. Not only because it is prepared without cooking but mainly because it is a fresh dish that is not heavy to digest and rich in vitamins.
  • - Fiber per serving: 4.0 grams
