Themed dinner menus
A buffet for special occasion
- Rossini cocktail
- Salt cookies
- Little meatballs and sweet & sour vegetables
- Bread bowls with salami & prosciutto
- Peas, potatoes and carrots tarts
- Melon and prosciutto
- Delicate rice
- Pasta salad with quail eggs
- Lettuce with apples, sultanas and pine kernels
- Roast beef
- Smoked fish
- Roasted chicken salad
- Cherries in the ice
- Cake
- Wine
- Roero
- Bonarda dei Colli Piacentini
- Regaleali Bianco
- Pinot Grigio
- Asti Spumante
- Liqueurs
Planning a great party for a ceremony or an anniversary is a difficult thing for many people. We suggest to you a rich menu that you'll
be able to realize at home, with the help of somebody. This menu is ideal for spring and summer months.
We thought of realizing a buffet instead of a traditional lunch or dinner for many reasons. First of all your guests can move freely,
then you should work less while your guests are at home and so you'll be able to dedicate much more time to them. But there's another
important thing: you can use paper accessories. Nowadays you find a lot of paper accessories in varied combinations of style and colors.
To choose the paper isn't always easy. Many people mustn't feel at their ease, above all with knives and forks. In order to obviate this
difficulty it is enough to buy stronger models. Then, you have to consider the great advantage for the hostess: a moment is sufficient
for clearing. In any case you can use your sets.
A buffet can be realized inside or in the garden, in the open. In any case you have to prepare at least three tables.
The first, very large, is indispensable for arranging all the great dishes where you have to put your foods. Your guests have to help
oneselves unless you can call one or two waiters. In this case they are assigned to the wines, arranged in one or two places of the buffet table.
Another table, placed side by side, is necessary for arranging dishes, glasses, pieces of cutlery and napkins.
A third table must be used for the aperitif, if it is in the menu.
The guests, after helping ourselves, will be able to sit down in armchairs or chairs, arranged on purpose. If you have a garden, you can
prepare an attractive party following our suggestions. See a midsummer party. Wherever you decide to make your party, you have to remember
that your food must be soft, not difficult to cut and in little pieces.
It's important to adobe your home with fresh flowers. You haven't to put on the buffet table centerpieces with fragrant flowers; the best
decoration could be a composition made with fruits and vegetables.
Now I'm going to tell you something about the menu.
The doses of every recipe can be adapted easily to different people. If you have any problem, email us!
When you prepare your shopping list, you have to remember some general rules.
- - The menu is based on several courses; it isn't necessary preparing every course for the exact number of guests. Even if a guest would taste every dish, the quantity should be smaller than the habitual one.
- - A bottle of spumante is enough for six people.
- - If you choose to open your buffet with a cocktail, you have to prepare some soft drinks for teetotalers.
- - For the wines there are more difficulties. You have to think about the habits of your guests. In any case it's better to be full of bottles rather than to have no more.
- - Add to your shopping list several bottles of water. When people eat in this way, it is thirsty.
- - Don't forget bread. You have to slice it and arrange on large dishes or little baskets. A good idea could be to serve particular bread with olives or walnuts.
You can make some steps in advance, the day before the party. You could make the salt cookies and preserve them in a box for cakes; you
could make the little basket with bread dough. You could tie the meat for the roast beef and cook it and then let it cool during the night
(not in the refrigerator). In this way you should slice it in the best way with the slicing machine the day after.
Remember to choose salad greens, already cleaned and washed, so you'll be able to save precious time.
In any way you need that somebody helps you.
I have other two things to remember you. Smoked fish has no link. In fact it's a dish full of slices of smoked salmon, trout and swordfish.
You can find these fishes, already sliced, in supermarkets. If you don't find all the varieties sliced smoked salmon is enough. Serve them with lemon.
You have to serve cleaned and washed cherries, dipped in the ice. Serve them at the end with the cake and spumante; then coffee an liqueurs.
Autore: Loretta Sebastiani
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