Authentic Italian Cooking
Dedicated to ...

Dedicated to ...
These pages are dedicated to particular moments of the year: Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Carnival, Women's Day, Halloween ...
Each special is a collection of tips on how to plan your party, Italy-style. All you need is here: recipes and menus, handmade decorations and much more ...
And then recipes and menus for the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
But that's not all. There are also pages that collect recipe ideas for specific ingredients such as oranges, mushrooms, cherries, grapes, truffles, pesto ...
Look at the complete list in this directory
- Christmas season in Italy all you need to plan your Italian style party in the holiday season
- Italian Christmas trends 2014 what are you interested in? craft ideas, Italian recipes, traditions? what about Santa stories?
The other feasts in the year
International cuisine
Italian food
Woman's Day
- International Women's Day Considerations, news and tips
- Your party at home Tips for men
- International menu dishes from different countries in the world to embrace all women
Autore: Loretta Sebastiani
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